Sunday Services:
English:09.00-10.00 A.M
Tamil:10.00-12.30 A.M ,06.30-8.30 P.M
Women's Fellowship Prayers
Wednesday:06.30-08.00 P.M
Fasting Prayers
Friday 10.00 A.M-01.00 P.M
Special Services
Sunday 09.00 A.M-10.30 A.M(For Leprosy Patients)
About us
The Church Planting Ministry is one of the Ministries of ‘The
Friends of Jesus Ministries’ – India. Please visit our Web site WWW.
friendsof jesusministries. in.
The Free(ing) Church is a part of ‘ The Friends of Jesus Ministries’ – India. For sure, this Free(ing) Church is a Holy Spirit run Church, where deliverance of people from all walks of life by Holy Spirit everyday from alcoholism, drug – addiction, sickness and bondages of Satan is the Key factor for being a stead –fastly growing church with about 200 families in the past 4½ years, since its establishment by the Holy Spirit in 2nd October, 2009, at East Tambram, near Madras Christian College in just 1 KM distance.
The Free(ing ) Church is having another, well located in a Prime Area at West Tambaram, just adjacent to Bus and Railway Stations.
Although this Church was dedicated with just 5 families in October, 2009, as of now, this Free (ing) Church is Magnifying the name of the Lord with about 200 families, with two branches most of which are just born-again Christians after having been delivered from the clutches of curses, deceases and bondages. Please do not miss to introduce this Church to your friends and relatives for their deliverance and blessings, and please do visit our Church, if you are in Chennai City or when you happen to be in Chennai – India.
When the Pastor was chosen by the Lord to be an Evangelist, the mighty
Lord and Savior used the Pastor in the States of Tamil Nadu and Andhra
Pradesh in India. Through Evangelical Ministry, the mighty Lord had
established many Village churches by winning several hundred souls.
After more than 4 year long Village Ministry, the Lord has chosen the
Pastor to be a Pastor of this Free(ing) Church.
The Free(ing) Church is a part of ‘ The Friends of Jesus Ministries’ – India. For sure, this Free(ing) Church is a Holy Spirit run Church, where deliverance of people from all walks of life by Holy Spirit everyday from alcoholism, drug – addiction, sickness and bondages of Satan is the Key factor for being a stead –fastly growing church with about 200 families in the past 4½ years, since its establishment by the Holy Spirit in 2nd October, 2009, at East Tambram, near Madras Christian College in just 1 KM distance.
The Free(ing ) Church is having another, well located in a Prime Area at West Tambaram, just adjacent to Bus and Railway Stations.
Although this Church was dedicated with just 5 families in October, 2009, as of now, this Free (ing) Church is Magnifying the name of the Lord with about 200 families, with two branches most of which are just born-again Christians after having been delivered from the clutches of curses, deceases and bondages. Please do not miss to introduce this Church to your friends and relatives for their deliverance and blessings, and please do visit our Church, if you are in Chennai City or when you happen to be in Chennai – India.
About the Pastor Of The Church,Rev.S.Jebarajan :
Village Evangelical Ministry:
The believers of this Church are being encouraged and helped out in getting trained by renowned Bible Teachers to do the Village and Evangelical Ministry. The target of this Church is to reach out to atleast 1 (one) village / un- reached areas per month in and around Chennai District. Please Pray and Participate to accomplish this Ministry.Television (TV) Ministry:
To accomplish our Lords Vision or disseminate the Gospel for Alcohol / Drug Addicts.Children Ministry:
This Church is reaching out to 300 children of slum and rural areas around Chennai through the Children ministries, and Planning to be extended for Schools and College’s and to reach out atleast to 1000 Children and Youth / Students by December, 2012, and ofcourse for every year. Please Pray, Participate and Encourage this Ministry.Healing And Rehabilitation Ministry For The Leprosy Patients
This Free(ing) Church has been given with another special and unique vision of conducting regular Healing Gospel services to the Leprosy patients in and around Chennai City and District to render specific Spiritual and Social services to change the mind-set of hundreds of Leprosy Patients to get healed by the mighty Power of our Lord Jehova Rafa, and nothing else.A special healing Gospel service is conducted for more than 100 leprosy patients for the past one year, on every Saturday between 9 to 10.30.A.M at our East Tamabram Main Church premises, and many of the Patients are growing Faith in Christ and sharing their testimonies of deliverance and healing.
This Ministry is looking forward to Train atleast 5 completely healed. Leprosy Patients to be the Evangelist Missionaries of this Ministry to be used among the hundreds of other Leprosy Patients to get cleansed in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and not by medicine.
This Ministry is also committed to rehabilitate these Leprosy Patients and their Children by net- working with like minded Donors and Friends.
Please Pray and Participate, to get them healed and rehabilitated.
Hope Center
A Centre of Prayer and Counseling for De - addition of Alcohol and Drug
Addicts through Gospel. We may thing as to why there should be a
special Ministry for Alcohol / Drug Addicts?
i) Alcohol Drug Addiction has become a common phenomena in atleast 50% of the families, and it is vulnerable among students / Teens / Youth groups, as these habits are left open to the option of an individual youth rather than to be a Prohibited one.
ii) Satan, correctly utilize this attitude and mind – set of authorities and vulnerable groups, which leads to addiction.
iii) Importance and seriousness renders to curb drug peddling and drug consumption is not equally given to Alcohol Sale and Consumption, without keeping in mind that both drugs and Alcohol are equally stealing away the health, Wealth, ability and blessings of not only an individual, but his generation.
iv) Alcohol / Drug addicted persons are capable of committing multiples of wrongs, crimes, and sins, compared to non – addicted persons.
v) Prevention and De-addiction of Alcoholics and Drug – Addicts through Gospel eradicates bunches of Satan’s evil designs and saves individuals, their families and generations.
The Pastor of the Church, who himself was Honoured to be a Minister of the Lord of Lords, Jeus Christ after delivering the Pastor from Chronic Alcoholism and other bondages, was given with a special vision for reaching out to Alcohol & Drug Addicts through Gospel. Through this unique ministry, not several individual souls, but families who have lost all hopes of survival because of Alcohol and Drug evils possessed head of family are being saved by the Lord through this Special Ministry. Spiritual Empowerment and Financial Rehabilitation of de-addicted believers needs a lot of your Prayer and support. De- addiction and Rehabilitation of an alcoholic / drug addict really saves not a single person, but a generation of a family and from Hell to Heaven. Please Pray and Participate in this unique Ministry.
i) Alcohol Drug Addiction has become a common phenomena in atleast 50% of the families, and it is vulnerable among students / Teens / Youth groups, as these habits are left open to the option of an individual youth rather than to be a Prohibited one.
ii) Satan, correctly utilize this attitude and mind – set of authorities and vulnerable groups, which leads to addiction.
iii) Importance and seriousness renders to curb drug peddling and drug consumption is not equally given to Alcohol Sale and Consumption, without keeping in mind that both drugs and Alcohol are equally stealing away the health, Wealth, ability and blessings of not only an individual, but his generation.
iv) Alcohol / Drug addicted persons are capable of committing multiples of wrongs, crimes, and sins, compared to non – addicted persons.
v) Prevention and De-addiction of Alcoholics and Drug – Addicts through Gospel eradicates bunches of Satan’s evil designs and saves individuals, their families and generations.
The Pastor of the Church, who himself was Honoured to be a Minister of the Lord of Lords, Jeus Christ after delivering the Pastor from Chronic Alcoholism and other bondages, was given with a special vision for reaching out to Alcohol & Drug Addicts through Gospel. Through this unique ministry, not several individual souls, but families who have lost all hopes of survival because of Alcohol and Drug evils possessed head of family are being saved by the Lord through this Special Ministry. Spiritual Empowerment and Financial Rehabilitation of de-addicted believers needs a lot of your Prayer and support. De- addiction and Rehabilitation of an alcoholic / drug addict really saves not a single person, but a generation of a family and from Hell to Heaven. Please Pray and Participate in this unique Ministry.
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